Blues Music for free download by Radio hosts! Yellow Dog Records, home to innovative and award-winning new interpretations of Blues, Jazz, Soul, and Americana styles by established and emerging artists, is expanding its radio outreach through the wonders of technology. We've made our entire catalog available through Airplay Direct to download free, for you to broadcast on your terrestrial radio show, internet stream, or music podcast. If you'd like to get music, please visit our page on Airplay Direct and if you aren't already a member, visit the "Register" link at top to join (participation is free for radio hosts). Then visit the individual album links at the bottom of our profile page to download any album from our catalog! New album - Fiona Boyes "Blues Woman"
Click the album cover to visit this album's page on Airplay Direct for download! New album - Mary Flower "Bridges" Click the album cover to visit this album's page on Airplay Direct for download! Other Notes for International hosts If you are in Australia: Selected titles are represented in Australia by Only Blues Music. Please direct your listeners to Only Blues if they would like to obtain local copies of our titles! John Ward of Only Blues may also be able to help you with additional promotion needs. If you are in Benelux: Our catalog is represented in Benelux by Blues Promotion. Please direct your listeners to Blues Promotion if they would like to obtain local copies of our titles! Luc Ghyselen of Blues Promotion may also be able to help you with additional promotion needs. If you are in France: We generally send physical copies of our releases to Francis Rateau of the Collectif des Radios Blues for redistribution to CRB members. If you are a member of CRB, Francis Rateau may be able to help you with additional promotion needs. If you are in Japan: Selected titles (including Mary Flower's Bridges) are represented in Japan by Buffalo Records, and other selected titles (including Fiona Boyes' Blues Woman) are represented in Japan by BSMF Records. Please direct your listeners to Buffalo or BSMF if they would like to obtain local copies of our titles! Doug Allsopp of Buffalo Records or Masato Nishimura of BSMF Records may also be able to help you with additional promotion needs. Of course, listeners may also purchase copies direct from Yellow Dog Records, or from iTunes or Amazon. About Yellow Dog Records Based in Memphis, TN, Yellow Dog Records was founded in 2002 with the goal of cultivating the American musical heritage. The label features artists who emphasize innovative approaches to authentic American musical roots traditions - Blues, Jazz, Soul, and Americana styles. By providing support for recording, production, promotion and distribution, Yellow Dog Records brings this vital music to new and wider audiences. For more information and to hear sound samples, please visit ##### Contact:
Michael Powers 901-452-4087 |