

Each year, artists and labels everywhere (in a wide range of genres) anxiously await the posting of the IMA nominees. Here at Yellow Dog Records, we’ve learned to feel good about our chances, as we’ve now seen our artists nominated in seven straight years.

In the 2014 R&B category, The Soul of John Black (whose album Good Thang netted an IMA in 2012) has been nominated for Soul Album (A Sunshine State of Mind) and Soul Song (Higher Power). And our piano-drums powerhouse The Claudettes has been nominated for Instrumental Album (Infernal Piano Plot…HATCHED!) and Long Form Music Video (The Claudettes: Live in the Studio). Well done, boys.

The general public is invited to vote in each of these categories for the IMA’s “Vox Populi” award. Visit the links below to check out these songs, albums and videos…and vote!