
The Claudettes on Sound Opinions

The Claudettes were eating a vegan breakfast (despite the omnivorous protests of at least one of the members) in a Michigan cafe when the text messages starting coming in: they were currently being featured on Sound Opinions. Hosted by renowned music critics Gret Kot...

The Claudettes Redeemed by Buddy Guy’s

Johnny Iguana has been playing piano at Buddy Guy’s Legends since his days in the Junior Wells Blues Band. He’s been on stage there with Buddy himself countless times and with a host of other Chicago blues royals, too. And so Johnny was taken aback when...

The Claudettes Bask in the Blues Spotlight on iTunes

Who is that there, in the iTunes blues page banner, right next to venerable Chicago bluesman Otis Rush?-  It’s The Claudettes, featuring Chicago piano pounder Johnny Iguana — who has toured with Otis, by the way. Look down in the first row beneath that banner to...

Stravinsky-style riot at Buddy Guy’s Legends!

Well, not quite, but The Claudettes did cause quite an uproar with their Legends debut. The Claudettes eagerly awaited their first show at the famed Buddy Guy’s Legends in Chicago — which, as fate would have it, fell on Friday the 13th of September. Pianist...